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JavaScript Events Capture and Bubbling

·2 mins

I wanted to reinforce my understanding of how events work in the browser. While I know how they work, I always find it best to have something to visually represent something that’s inherently abstract, and thus cement it into my head.

Event phases #

There are two phases to events: bubbling and capturing. Any element along the way through the capture and bubbling phases, with the same event listener, will also trigger said event.

Capture Phase #

By default, capturing does not happen in the browser. You have to manually enable it on an event listener like so:

function capture(){

document.querySelector('div').addEventListener('click', capture, { capture: true });

// Shortcut version
// document.querySelector('div').addEventListener('click', capture, true);

Capture goes down from the window object all the way to the element triggering the event (In this case, a click event).

Bubble Phase #

Bubbling does the opposite of the capture phase - it goes from the element triggering the event, all the up to the window.

function bubble(){

// All events bubble by default
document.querySelector('div').addEventListener('click', bubble);

Event phases demo #

Here we can see the capture and bubble phases, and in what order they trigger. I use the perfomance api to get accurate timestamps for when each event is triggered.

See the Pen Event Capturing and Bubbling by Neal Fennimore ( @nealfennimore) on CodePen.